Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Five tips for your next road trip

Just when it was seeming like the never ending winter, I peered out the window this morning and saw the first bloom of my spring bulbs out.  That means summer is on the way and it will soon be the perfect opportunity for a road trip.
Some of the most precious memories I have are of new sights, discovering hidden gems and endless laughs in the car while on trips taken on whim.  To make your road trip even better than you thought possible use these tips to help you on you way.

Make a plan ... but keep it flexible

Plan where you are going to end up at the end of each day but be ready to stop along the way, poke into places that aren't on the tourist map and spend longer in places that take your fancy.  A plan can be great, but a rigid one doesn't allow for any freedoms.

Pack to a minimum, it gives you room to collect

We always take so much more than what we need anyway, so this time, try something different, only take half of what you think you will need and you will have more room to bring back the discoveries in tiny antique shops and crafts from the local markets that you otherwise may not have had room for.  You may need to hire a storage unit when you get back, but those are the breaks!

Do pack the 'just in case' bottle of wine

For that unexpected sunset on the little beach you stayed too long at or the mountain range that would be perfect if only you had remembered the picnic, be good scout and be prepared.

Take loads of pictures

One of my favourite road trip albums is not from where we stopped but a long trip in the car on the back roads of Sri Lanka where to alleviate the boredom I began taking photos to amuse myself and the kids (the driver thought I was mad) of the oncoming trucks and cars of Sri Lanka that always swerved at the last minute.  Not only did it keep the kids and I amused but the album created lasting memories.

On-board Entertainment

If you have packed really light, you may need to let your inner child loose in the car and make some games up.  If not have pre-loaded music playlists ready, books, magnetic board games and create trip trivia games with kids in the car.

Above all, have fun, explore new places and try new things.

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