Monday, 15 June 2015

Jimmie Johnson and Ashton Kutcher have them - Man Caves, Relationship Saver?

Mark Twain famously quoted "There ought to be a room in this house to swear in.  It's dangerous to have to repress an emotion like that ... Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer."  
Man caves have been around since the beginning of time and in modern relationships are still prevalent. Some of the most famous Man Caves including Winston Churchill's, Ernest Hemingway's and Thomas Edison's were where most of their great work was produced.

In a solid relationship, every woman needs a space well clear of masculine clutter.  Every man needs his space too, whether it be the spare room, the garage, a shed in the back yard or a storage unit.   While in many households, particularly celebrity ones, man caves are prevalent, after the birth of babies, rising property prices and accumulation of boys toys this is often the first space to be lost.  

So the big question .... how do we create space for this man cave?

If you are wanting to create a man cave in your home and think you don't have the space, consider those rooms that you are currently using as a storage or junk room. In most cases a garage or an extra room is probably being used for storage space, in my case it was our garage.  To save my sanity I relegated all my seasonal gear taking up usable space and other items I didn't use regularly to my storage unit.  The rest I gave to the kids to sell outside on their lemonade stand (it made a lot more money for them than the lemonade!).
Many a time moving items into my storage unit I also hear the familiar hum of a PS3 and big belly laughs coming from units where men are escaping to their units which they have turned into their own personal man caves.  
Check out these man caves of Jimmie Johnson, Ashton Kutcher and Snoop Dogg for some inspiration.  

Man Cave Benefits ...

  • Men need somewhere to display the things they love.  No longer will you need to hide all those things you don't want guests to see, the PS3's, the stained couches from bachelor days and the photos of men being .. well just men!
  • Provides a much needed decompression zone, we all need our personal space both men and women and a man cave is the ultimate solution.
  • Most importantly, it will save your health and your relationship

Need more inspiration?

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